This photo is actually from Day 244, when I loaded up Thor to go to the Shoot the Hooch hash. There was 900-1000 pounds of beer in my truck, and that does not include the kegs. This was river beer, and it contributed to a stellar weekend. There's a reason I'm showing this picture on Day 258...
It's because (gasp!) there was beer remaining. And it's in my foyer. I have to admit, there was only extra beer because the better half of the Drunken Scientist Committee made sure she had more than enough beer for the river.
Oh, and also... we had leftover chicken dinner from the Shoot the Hooch hash to add to the mix.
This is an important addition to the mix, because this is the first time we're adding full food chunks instead of blending everything first.
Crap. I can't find my panty hose. So I don't have a bug covering for now.
I'll just put the lid back on until I can find an adequate bug shield.
Every December, the Carolina Trash holds its annual Prom from Hell in Fayetteville, NC.
This is one of the occasions throughout the year where the Trash gives a few of its
loyal hashers a bib soaked in a combination of every disgusting substance imaginable, except bodily fluids.
But to walk away with their bibs, the hashers also get showered with the remaining mix, as well as
large amounts of flour and a flood of beer. Thanks to an idea from the infamous Ass Spelunker, the
fear-inducing foodstuffs in these photos were combined in a number of drastic ways over an entire year to create
highly suspect containers full of funk. What we ended up with was a single jar full of the most horrific substance imagineable.
The smell? Worse than death itself. Loyal hashers, this was the humble donation to the 2006 Bib Mix.
And these pages tell the story. Be afraid.
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