So I finally got the celery salt up off the ground. And while I was adding spices, I decided to see whether I had anything in my collection that I never use. Black sesame seeds sound like a great addition.
The mix has been sitting outside, covered, for quite some time. No new mold. Just a large skank and a nice crust on the inside of the jar. What's up with the "No Drama" shirt, you ask? That is lost property from the Shoot the Hooch hash. Like any sensitive hasher would, I posted it as lost, and we found the owner. I Da Ho and House of Boobs get the credit for sleuthing. It's Colonel Brokeback's shirt from Peach Fuzz (Augusta). Before I mail it off, I thought I'd use it in a pose. Wow, I really want to cover the shirt in bib mix before I seal it in the envelope. One last note: Yes, that's Rhino in the background watching over things. Grrrr.
I have to do something about this liquid separation.
Every December, the Carolina Trash holds its annual Prom from Hell in Fayetteville, NC.
This is one of the occasions throughout the year where the Trash gives a few of its
loyal hashers a bib soaked in a combination of every disgusting substance imaginable, except bodily fluids.
But to walk away with their bibs, the hashers also get showered with the remaining mix, as well as
large amounts of flour and a flood of beer. Thanks to an idea from the infamous Ass Spelunker, the
fear-inducing foodstuffs in these photos were combined in a number of drastic ways over an entire year to create
highly suspect containers full of funk. What we ended up with was a single jar full of the most horrific substance imagineable.
The smell? Worse than death itself. Loyal hashers, this was the humble donation to the 2006 Bib Mix.
And these pages tell the story. Be afraid.
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