Thursday, January 26, 2006

Day 47

Good news: I bought a new camera. (Like you care)
Bad news: I haven't figured it out yet. (Like you care)
The first problem is that the camera is a top of the line A-series from Canon, and the amount of features it has can only be described as a "shitload." So it's going to take me a while to go through everything. The second problem is that the Canon software isn't opening, so I'll have to reinstall it. If that doesn't work, I'll have to go through that annoying process of combing the internet looking for advice from other miserable people.

Note the richer colors. Sweet.
The bottle on the right contains the extra ingredients,
which I still have in my fridge.

After the second stirring on Day 14, I have been leaving the mix alone. There hasn't been much change over the last two weeks, although the sediment below the liquid layer has compacted slightly, and tiny chunks from the upper layer continue to sink. Also, there has been more distinct bubbles inside the upper layer. Other than that, over the last 5 days or so, it appears things are slowing down amid the upper layer. If the process is indeed stalling, I may have to consult experts in the field to determine the correct course of action for the rest of the winter.