Day 56
I know I’ve mentioned fermentation before, but this is way more active than anything documented previously. There are two things to note as you look at the above picture. One is the floating sediment, which was not the cause of me moving the jar. The other is the ridges in the lower layer. Both are caused by the bubbles as they rise up to the upper layer and cause a massive disturbance.
The time out in the sun caused some dryness on the sides of the jar.
Before you examine the photo below, you’ll need to know that I poked four more holes into the upper layer. That’s not what you should be looking at. Check out the center.
A brighter-colored substance is crowning.
I’d have to attribute this strange occurrence to the fermentation. That’s the easy deduction. The more difficult question to answer is why fermentation became so active all of a sudden. It was either the heat from the sun, the time outside with the lid off or the result of me poking holes through the upper layer. Or I guess it could be a combination of all of that. More beer required. I mean, more thinking required.
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