Monday, March 13, 2006

What the Hell is This?

Armour owes me an apology. Immediately.

Milk Gravy? I Think Not.

Smell Test: 100% Cat Food.

Piggy Brains Love To Float

First off, what do you think of when you think of milk gravy? How about something milky? And thick perhaps? Check out that lame pink liquid. Not that the rest of it is impressive. You know what we have here? CAT FOOD. Please sweet Jesus, tell me who would eat this? I might get excited if it was in one large piece, but it's just laying there. Since there was no structural integrity of any sort, I made the executive decision to stuff the chunks in the refrigerated bottle instead of in the jar. All but about a teaspoon of the liquid made it in, too.

(Unless you're a geek like me, stop reading now or you will become either scared or bored.)

On a technical note, I've been learning a little more about lighting and other-camera related nonsense. I'm taking most of these pictures on my kitchen counter, and the only light source I currently have in there is from two sunlight flourescents on the ceiling. Without the flash, the pics turn out too dark, but with the flash, all the gory details get washed out. With this top photo, all I did was put my LED headlamp on my cranium. But note how annoying soft the shot is; I wanted HARSH lighting to mimic my Milk Gravy Anger. The bottom shot of the bottle was me shining a flashlight on it, in an attempt to illuminate some of the brain chunks inside. Oh, and I had to learn how to manually focus, because it was impossible to get the camera to focus on anything other than the tiny bits stuck to the inside of the plastic. Now I'm playing with exposure lengths and other totally nerdy things. See what happens when I'm not road-whoring? But look at it this way: There's now going to be PIG BRAINS IN THE BIB MIX.