Sunday, March 05, 2006
Every December, the Carolina Trash holds its annual Prom from Hell in Fayetteville, NC. This is one of the occasions throughout the year where the Trash gives a few of its loyal hashers a bib soaked in a combination of every disgusting substance imaginable, except bodily fluids. But to walk away with their bibs, the hashers also get showered with the remaining mix, as well as large amounts of flour and a flood of beer. Thanks to an idea from the infamous Ass Spelunker, the fear-inducing foodstuffs in these photos were combined in a number of drastic ways over an entire year to create highly suspect containers full of funk. What we ended up with was a single jar full of the most horrific substance imagineable. The smell? Worse than death itself. Loyal hashers, this was the humble donation to the 2006 Bib Mix. And these pages tell the story. Be afraid.
Old Crap
- The Idea
- The Ingredients
- Day One: The Mix Is Created
- Days 2-7
- Day 14
- Days 16-22
- Day 34
- Day 47
- Day 49
- Day 56
- Day 76: A New Ingredient
- Day 78: Two More New Ingredients
- Day 81
- Day 83
- Mmmm... Appetizing
- Day 88
- Day 91
- Our Next Addition
- What the Hell is This?
- Day 96
- Day 101: Celebration
- Q&A with L&F
- Day 105
- Armour Strikes Again
- Next One in Line
- Day 108
- Day 110
- Day 114: The Switch
- Day 116
- Day 118
- Ear Shot's Donation
- Day 123
- Update
- Day 128
- Day 131
- This is Getting Interesting
- Day 137
- LaTuFu's Donation
- Ear Shot's Suggestion
- Yeasty Entertainment
- Day 140: Mixing Day
- The Terrible Trio
- The Edgy Yeast Experiment
- Blending the Terrible Trio
- Cuervo's Donation
- Day 151
- The Disappearing Peeps
- The Peeps are Gone
- Day 161
- The Last Addition
- Day 166
- Day 171
- Day 181
- Day 185: The Halfway Point
- I Got Really Scared
- Important Note
- A Side Project
- Drama
- Day 230
- Day 243
- Day 255
- Day 258
- Day 261
- Day 279
- Day 284
- Cooking with the Drunken Chef
- Amazingly Bad
- Day 300
- Day 308
- Day 329
- The Final Check
- Day 264: Packing Up
- Pictures of the Year
- The Prom Bibbing
- The Drunks Who Named Me
- The Drunks Who Adopted Me
- The Drunks Who Bibbed Me
- Georgia Hashes
- OnIn
- Atlanta Forum
- Guest Donor #1: Ear Shot
- Guest Donor #2: LaTuFu
- Guest Donor #3: Cuervo the Wonder Dog
- Guest Donor #4: ???

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