Monday, December 19, 2005

The Ingredients

Here are the ingredients, and who donated them.

Fuzzy Tomatoes - rb
Putrid Corn Dip - rb
Moldy Instant Coffee -rb
Science-Fair-Experiment Bread -rb
Funky Feta Goo - es
Horrific Half and Half - lf
Soured Belgian Ale Yeast Culture - Ltf
Shoot the Hooch Chicken Dinner - rb

Salmon - rb
Cottage Cheese - rb
Pumpkin Ale - lf
Tomato Juice - rb
Olives - lf
Baked Beans - lf
Pork Brains - lf
Potted Meat - lf
Unsulfered Molasses - lf
Marshmallow Peeps - lf
Cooked Sweet Potato - ???

Steamed Red Onions - lf
Roasted Garlic - lf
Clam Juice - lf
Fish Sauce - lf
L&F's famous chili chocolate - lf
Escargot, sans shells - cwd
Octopus Chunks - cwd
Squid in Ink Sauce - cwd
Celery Salt - lf
Black Sesame Seeds - lf

Mayo - rb
Mustard - rb
Ranch Dressing - rb
Hot Sauce - lf

Funkified Cheese Sauce - rb
which contained:
--some random chicken dinner
--shrivelly tomatoes on the vine
--hopelessly skanky couscous
--gag-inspiring sage gouda
--hurl-inducing cream haverty

Donor Key (in alphabetical order):
cwd - Cuervo the Wonder Dog
es - Ear Shot
lf - L&F
Ltf - LaTuFu
??? - Mystery Donor
rb - Red Breast

Here are the pictures of the initial ingredients.
This is fresh Teriaki Salmon. Hint: if you want to blend fresh salmon, for the love of God, take the skin off first.

This picture's dark, but even with enough light, these steamed red onions still don't look appetizing. The roasted garlic is to the left, and is probably the best-tasting thing we added.

Some of the other ingredients. We did not add the oil, since it would have just taken up space.

The condiments are all mixed up.

Here's what the condiments looked like, when blended with Clam Juice, baked beans and olives.