The Prom Bibbing

Chef Boy R Dumb
Clean Clam
Dimmer Switch
Ear Shot
Gone With The Schwinn
Male Order Bride
Not So Silent Bob
Obi Wan Kumonmi
Silence of the Clams

Silence isn't in the pic because she was bibbed right before this group. She has a severe allergy to salmon, which was included in our mix. So Buck doused her with a custom made jar of sludge. Notice Clam about to hurl from the smell.

Here's the flour portion.
BULLETIN - This news comes from Trashy:
"Prom was the last of the nasty bibs for the Trash. That's only been going on for a few years, and it's not our tradition. New mismanagement for 2007 met over dinner and we talked about things. One of the things we've nixed is pre-made foul bibbings. It's back to beer and flour for us."The masses scatter amid a cloud of flour. This is actually two unmerge-able photos that were merged anyway. Click on it for a larger view.
What an incredible ending to a really disgusting tradition. The smell was so insanely bad. And we left all the mess there for the school kids to come back to the next day. Not only did we get to experience the wild odor while locked in the U-Haul ride back to the hotel, I was among the 5 people who got to experience it when Clam got back to our hotel and showered. There was no oxygen left anywhere in the suite, so LaTuFu and I kept Clam in the shower while we cleaned up the bathroom. We threw out all her clothes, bagged up her bib and wiped down the entire bathroom with rubbing alcohol. This is because any spot where there was mix created a flood of fumes. With all the spots gone, the smell gradually improved.
Oh, I also got some bib mix on me from the bibbing. Moral: Payback's a bitch.
Thank you to Gang Bang and Ear Shot for the photos.
On Out