Monday, August 28, 2006

Day 261

Thankfully, there are always a few pair of pantyhose at the house. Which means there are always a few bug screens at the house. The chicken dinner looks exactly like it did three days ago. That is confusing the Drunken Scientist Committee because it's been 90 degrees here during the day.

Friday, August 25, 2006

Day 258

This photo is actually from Day 244, when I loaded up Thor to go to the Shoot the Hooch hash. There was 900-1000 pounds of beer in my truck, and that does not include the kegs. This was river beer, and it contributed to a stellar weekend. There's a reason I'm showing this picture on Day 258...

It's because (gasp!) there was beer remaining. And it's in my foyer. I have to admit, there was only extra beer because the better half of the Drunken Scientist Committee made sure she had more than enough beer for the river.

Oh, and also... we had leftover chicken dinner from the Shoot the Hooch hash to add to the mix.

This is an important addition to the mix, because this is the first time we're adding full food chunks instead of blending everything first.

Crap. I can't find my panty hose. So I don't have a bug covering for now.

I'll just put the lid back on until I can find an adequate bug shield.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Day 255

So I finally got the celery salt up off the ground. And while I was adding spices, I decided to see whether I had anything in my collection that I never use. Black sesame seeds sound like a great addition.

The mix has been sitting outside, covered, for quite some time. No new mold. Just a large skank and a nice crust on the inside of the jar. What's up with the "No Drama" shirt, you ask? That is lost property from the Shoot the Hooch hash. Like any sensitive hasher would, I posted it as lost, and we found the owner. I Da Ho and House of Boobs get the credit for sleuthing. It's Colonel Brokeback's shirt from Peach Fuzz (Augusta). Before I mail it off, I thought I'd use it in a pose. Wow, I really want to cover the shirt in bib mix before I seal it in the envelope. One last note: Yes, that's Rhino in the background watching over things. Grrrr.

I have to do something about this liquid separation.

The salt and seeds are added.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Day 243

Crap. I was just pre-mixing for Shoot the Hooch... the event put on by the co-founder of the Drunken Scientist Committee... I was trying to create a homemade bloody mary mix with real tomato juice and my container of celery salt exploded. Maybe I'll leave all that crap sit there on the floor until after the event and add it to the bib mix.