Day 230

The photo that looked like it showed the remnants of the bib after I extinguished the fire was actually of one of my tore-up black hash shirts that I cut apart.
I can understand how someone can look at that last post and think I really burned my own bib. But some people who have followed the degeneration of the bib mix didn't believe it right away. That's because they have seen the posts like the one from June 18th, where I talk about my "berserk loyalty to the Trash." I can't really prove it if you never see me, so you'll have to take my word: Not only do I defend the Trash against all Trash-haters, I stand up (as high as my short-ass frame will allow) and proudly proclaim my induction. If that's not enough, let me reassure you of something: posting everything I've posted so far on this site has taken a LONG damn time. Call it a sick devotion, or whatever else you want. I wouldn't have done it if I wasn't proud to be a Trasher. I can't even IMAGINE burning a bib, no matter WHAT the situation. Anyone insane enough to do that many 750-mile round trips to Fayetteville and back does not have the mental capacity to get that worked up over ANYTHING.
Despite that, it was still sad to see and hear jokes about someone getting that much damage from getting hit that hard at an event. I guess it was a moment of sobriety that made me think "Hey, I wonder how harsh things would get if I make it look like I burned my most prized hash possession?" I know it took almost three weeks before people started posting something on the Trash Board, but the reaction was close to what my reaction would have been.
I decided to post these new pictures because I started feeling guilty. Call me weak. But I had just gone through something like 100 posts on the trash board about a different subject, and for the first time that I can remember, a flood of posts wasn't linked to drama. Sweet.
Hillary, if you're reading this, I read what you wrote this morning and was blown away. Yes, you got your point across and I completely agree with everything you wrote. To think you just saw someone burn their bib and still found the ability to write something that well thought-out is amazing. I would have failed at that.
Should someone be shunned if they burn a bib? I say absolutely. Should someone be shunned if they hit another hasher? I guess it depends. All I know is that if we were somewhere in the non-hash world, like Corporate America, my answers would be reversed. Uh... I think I just put my own brain into overload.