Monday, May 29, 2006

The Last Addition

I found this bag on my doorstep on Day 163. I'm not kidding. Someone anonymously dropped off a sweet potato. There's only one thing they would want me to do with it. So I did it. The photos are:
1. The bag with my hash name taped to it.
2. The beauty shot of the potato.
3. The potato in the microwave.
4. The potato, after cooking for 5 minutes.
5. The potato done cooking after 10 minutes.
6. The potato cut up.
The "meat" then went into the fridge to cool off.

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Day 161

One of the benefits of double containers is that it makes the Mold Nerd doubly happy. Especially when civilians come over. It elicits twice the fright.

The lack of action in the liquid container should not be a surprise, since I have gone over the salt-acid thing numerous times already. I do like the pink spot of mold in the center though. That's coming from the Terrible Trio, which also appears to have achieved a whitish sheen.

Check out the fabulous action coming from the blended container. It's more of that patterned mold. Using the beauty shot of both containers from Day 151 as a frame of reference, I can deduce that the yeast had a lot to do with this funky new visual.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Day 151

The yeast with the boring liquid removed.

Yeast: beauty shot #2.

The yeast sits on top of the half and half raft.

The yeast adds some needed color to the blended mess.
Note the pretty white mold.
That brown crap on the blended Terrible Trio is not spots of yeast. That's some sort of funk.

Take a good look, wankers. This is the donation at 5 months.

The bug cover goes back on.

The Peeps are Gone

The Drunken Scientist Committee has decided that the best way to kill Peeps and "remove" the evidence is to drown them in yeasty water. The tomatoes in the background are fresh, which means they will end up being consumed by humans, not by bacteria.

Taste test: a little sour. The Mold Nerd has decided that this is because there was no fermentation, so there was no alcohol in the liquid to keep the bacteria away.

The Disappearing Peeps

Help meeeee... I'm mellllllting!

Fermentation check: No no no.

Mmmm... mushy.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Day 148: Cuervo's Donation

This is what happens when a dog addresses a box. Yes, the Terrible Trio came from a non-human, and I kept it a secret from all of you until now.
I'm crafty like that.

No post-mixing mold.

The side of the container.

Here is the container with the liquid in it. It looks like all the half and half floated to the top. Notice the two different colors. I added more half and half the other day, and it actually stayed on top of the old half and half.

The side of the liquid container.

This is what the liquid looked like after I put the blended Terrible Trio on top. It actually sat on top of the half and half "raft." Some of the brown liquid washed up over the top.

The blended Terrible Trio on top of the other blended foodstuffs.

Note the color similarities.
BORING. At least until the mold starts.

Blending the Terrible Trio

Where the hell are the shells?
We've been robbed of entertainment.

I'm stifling all comments.

I was expecting to see beasts.
These are chopped up.
They'll be even worse in a few minutes.

Where the hell are the tenticles?

Smell test: Yeeowza.

Take one last look.

Say goodbye to the Terrible Trio.

Note the dull color.

In a container for now.
To be continued...

The Edgy Yeast Experiment

The molasses ale has been decanted.

A new container for the new project.

A row of Peeps at the ready.

Water is collected.
A Trash glass has never been photographed so beautifully.

Peeps refuse to drown.

The yeast and yeasty ale are added.

How do you keep a good Peep down?
With an extra container of water placed on top.

The yeast settles quickly.

The yeast even settles on the Peeps.

The water and ale attack the Peeps.

The Peeps are yeasty and bubbly.

The Terrible Trio

The first two. So... foreign.

No explanation needed.
(As long as you can read.)

No explanation needed.
(But note: INK SAUCE)

The third of the three.

"Hey, L&F, can I use your blender?"
"Sure, it's in the far cabinet."
"Hey, L&F, what's stuck in the jar?"
"Um... that would be fish scales."
"Hey, L&F... you're extra odd."