Day 78
So I was house-sitting/dog-sitting at Robin's house and jonesing (is that an actual word?) for some caffeine because the dogs woke me up so early. I was too lazy to deal with anything but instant, but all she had was about 1/4 cup from a larger jar. I twisted off the lid and got a surprise... the coffee pellets were stuck together and had a light dusting of MOLD on them. This kind of stuff isn't trashable anymore; it's a critical find. I took the jar back to my drunken-scientist lair, and with the help of a knife and some of the condiment/olive/fish sauce mixture, got the coffee clump freed from the bottom of the jar. The resulting liquid made its way back into the bottle and posed for a photo with the other addition for the day: moldy artisan bread.
The Bread and the Coffee Addition
Doesn't that look scrumptious? The bread isn't even that old, and it's already molding in a rainbow of colors. I cut the crusts off and stuffed the pieces into the jar until they fit.

The New Bread Sauna
Look at all that moisture on the inside of the jar. Can you say "Perfect Conditions for Bacterial Growth?" At least now I'll finally be able to post pictures of mold growing all over everything.