Day 14

A Donation for CTrH3's Prom from Hell
Day 7. More of the sludge is sinking.
Day 2. Notice here that the water has separated from the foamy, blended mass.
Batch 1 (in jar) and batch 2. Note how much blended salmon and tomatoes looks live vomit.
Mixing vomity goodness by hand is the only way to mix vomity goodness.
The highly advanced (and hung over) engineering team devised a way to keep the air inside the jar, while avoiding a potentially deadly pressure build-up.
Day 1. In case you're wondering from this picture, we did not add Peachtree Schnapps to the mix. That was just me making Ruby Relaxers, since I didn't get to try one at John J's.
Here are the pictures of the initial ingredients.
This is fresh Teriaki Salmon. Hint: if you want to blend fresh salmon, for the love of God, take the skin off first.
Some of the other ingredients. We did not add the oil, since it would have just taken up space.
The condiments are all mixed up.
Here's what the condiments looked like, when blended with Clam Juice, baked beans and olives.